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Tri-Guild Luncheon, A Report from Behind the Scenes

The following report was filed by our roving reporter, Rhonda Denny. As always, Rhonda brings us a thoughtful perspective, laced with her refreshing sense of humor.

The RSVP Report
An Asian Elegance Expo
Tri-Guild Luncheon 2010

The air was crisp and cold, my shoulders clad in my favorite black shawl. I barely noticed my bright red nose and my visible breath as I entered the Scottish Rite Center for our annual luncheon. It was 9:30 and, somehow, I was late. A line of SRQG helpers and guests had formed. They were waiting for me and my crew to get them signed in and off to work or seated. I glanced at the line but was mesmerized by the transformation of the main hall with its finely decorated tables, gorgeous raffle baskets, quilts donated to the cause, and quilts of opportunity. It was something to behold and I was very happy to be a part.

The raffle baskets were big and beautiful. There were 29 of them including two amazing quilts, one gifted by Genie Becker and the other by Mitzi Dowling and Marylyn Swanson. The tables had floral centerpieces surrounded by fan blocks surrounded by Chinese Zodiac placements, chopsticks wearing kimono, and utensils wrapped (and rewrapped) in ribbons. I enjoyed the company of my hostess Valeska and guests Mitzi, Earlene, Pat B., Chris F., and Rachel S. From my perspective, Norma’s kitchen ran like clockwork. The servers met us wearing smiles, knowing that both the salad dressing and cookies were over-the-top delicious and would leave us wanting more. I sat there holding my fantastic (and gigantic) gift basket donated by the ‘You Snooze, You Lose’ mini-group. Looking around, I saw a sea of delighted faces and it made me think of all the things that had to happen to make this luncheon such a wonderful success.

This started some months back when I heard whisper of a Japanese-themed luncheon and that it was the SRQG’s turn to host this year’s tri-guild get-together. We met at Linda Hooper’s, the director for said event, several times. I volunteered to be the “Respond et vous” gal. How hard can it be to take 150 phone calls and/or emails!?! We had a sewing party to make the fan blocks – all 80 of them. Linda fed us the yummiest of soups, with salad and bread. Pam Brown entertained us with an incredible Japanese story, complete with stage and actors. Linda Z. is really good at making the right side of the fan block. I drew lines on the existing pattern pieces…something about print-to-fit and .pdq files had Jan A. and Linda H. THIS CLOSE to a sick headache. The day turned out well, though, and we had great fun. We made 40 of the blocks and we each agreed to finish the remainder on our own.

The next get-together was for sewing Kimono to hold chopsticks and double as an adorable favor for the guests. They are the cutest kimono ever (imho). I missed this gathering but heard that all 160 kimono were completed while Pam told another story.

The last meeting was held at Jan Andrews’ house. The Goal: to prepare 20 hostess bundles containing: 4 fan blocks per table, 8 kimono and chopsticks, and 8 wrapped silverware sets. One set should hold a green dot and one should hold a pink dot for determining door prize winners. Well guess what? Green dots and pink dots can be a problem if Earlene and I are involved. Don’t ask. Just understand. I don’t do math. It makes me dizzy. Earlene is always a little dizzy. Having found the missing dots, the 10 of us went to our respective corners and re-wrapped silverware.

Last-minute To-Do’s: Accompany Betty Up to ‘The Sewing Machine and Vacuum Store’ to collect raffle basket items. Not only were they not expecting us, B-up locked the keys in the car so we couldn’t even come back later. Joni B.’s husband rescued us by bringing a spare key…from Windsor. (The additional hour was just what the affiliate needed to get the gift basket in order…)

Judy Mathieson, author and teacher, our guest speaker, and an extraordinary guild member we are fortunate to call our own, put on a lovely fashion and slide show in all manor of Asian style dress. Vibrant and gracious Pam McVey acted as Mistress of Ceremonies. Eve Cooper, the President of the Petaluma guild, gave Jan Andrews a gorgeous bouquet of flowers as a Thank-You. There were 52 door prizes in addition to the 29 raffle baskets, of which, Cynthia Bessonen, Moonlighters President, won two. Carolle and Georgieann, our block runners, put together 6 sets holding 20 blocks each as door prizes. In all, 44 people helped in some way. Many said it was the best luncheon yet.
Raffle baskets and Asian Elegance Blocks
Raffle baskets and Asian Elegance Blocks adorned the room.

table favors
Miniature kimono held chopsticks and fascinated each of our guests.

raffle winner
Many participants left with a beautiful basket of goodies thanks to the hard work of Betty and her team.

basket winner
Another happy raffle prize winner.

Barbara models kimono
Barbara Youngblood models a kimono as a part of Judy Mathieson’s presentation.

Janice Rodgers models kimono
Where did Janice Rodgers find this gorgeous kimono?

Carolle LeMonnier models kimono
Carolle LeMonnier truly enjoyed her time on the runway.

Donna Marvin wins Asian Elegance blocks
Donna Marvin went home with a generous package of the Asain Elegance Blocks.

Linda Hooper, event chair
Our luncheon chair, Linda Hooper, looks on with great satisfaction as members of the Santa Rosa Quilt Guild made us all proud.

Congratulations one and all!

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