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Business Meeting Minutes – March 2010

Santa Rosa Quilt Guild
Business Meeting
March 4, 2010
The meeting was called to order by President Jan Andrews at 10:05 am.
Jan announced the silent auction, 50/50 drawing and Boutique drawing. She also introduced guests and visitors.
Treasurer’s Report: Income and outgo is fairly balanced and the income is increased at this time due to membership dues being collected at the beginning of the year.
Old Business: Please pay your dues.
New Business: The Board is presenting an idea to the membership to vary the presentation of the Merit Awards. The suggestion is offer either the traditional gold charm or a year’s membership to the recipient.
Discussion: This is meant to demean the meaning of the gold charm for the winner, but to provide options for them. June Moes moved to change the wording of the bylaws to include the choice as well as a
certificate for each winner. Sue Haley seconded the motion which passed.
Joann Thomas, Moonlight Quilters Guild, announced that quilt show entries deadline is April 7th and can be emailed or handed to her. The number of entries is only limited by space. The show will be one room
smaller this year as one room is committed to another group. Quilt turn in for the show will be June 3rd. Joann encouraged entries.
Linda Sims announced that the Pointless Sisters Show at the Rincon Valley library will be 3/ 2 thru 4/26. She has a few brochures today and they will also be available at the show.
Betty Upchurch told of her continued participation in the Relay for Life to be held this summer, date to be announced. She appreciates all the previous support and hopes for such support this year. She showed a
lovely quilt donated for the auction for the Relay and described the project of making purses out of bras which was set up last year for an activity at the Relay. She is taking donations of used bras, not necessarily in good condition, for this art project. You can also buy a “footprint” for a dollar to inscribe with your name for decorating a store floor somewhere in the community. See her for details.
Betty U. reported that the Boutique is bringing in an average of about $200 per meeting. They have new items every month. She is not setting up another workshop as all storage space is filled but they are
looking for more storage.
Barbara Dedemer announced that they are seeking doll quilts, sizes 10×14 to 22x25inches, for a doll show in Petaluma at the Art Center.
The show will be in July and they want the quilts by June 15th. The quilts will be used for charity. Contact Geri Olson at 707-765-2893 for more information.
Vicki David of Moonlight Quilt Guild is seeding volunteers for the Quilt show. She has signup forms today and you will also be able to contact her to sign up later. You will get free admission to the show and
a free lunch for volunteering for everything except Takedown.
Glenda Ross, Opportunity Quilt Sales, said she has passes for the volunteers for the Opp. Quilt table at the Home Show. She will also have them at the Tri Guild Luncheon and could mail it to you if you don’t get it at the meeting.
Jean Chirhart has some ties available to anyone who wishes them.
Pam McVey announced the winners of the Citrus Fair. There were a significant number from our guild and an uptake in the number of members participating
TSW: Tera Antaree reminded all of the TSW today by June Mose on blue line hand stitching, cross stitch. Next meeting the TSW will be by Elaine Tucker on texturing fabric. In April Melissa Trunick will be doing the Mystery Quilt. Sign up so you can get the supply list. Tera inquired whether enough members would like baby quilt scrap flannel method and an indication of hands confirmed interest so she will add that to the TSW list. The books she ordered should be here in two weeks and she will distribute them to the purchasers then.
Committee Reports:
Program: Linda Thomas and Rhonda Denny said the May guest will be Laura Wasilowski on art quilts.
Please sign up for workshops as they are inexpensive, fun and support the guest speaker program. There are still openings in all coming workshops.
Silent Auction: Mary Wood reminded all to put their names on the bids. Several bids do not have names so come and correct your omissions.
Boutique: Betty Upchurch reported a new item for the table. It is a small bag with a name on it. You can special order these with Jan Andrews. They have some samples available today. The price is $15.
Special activities: Melissa Trunick reminded all of the clean up your sewing room project. She suggested this month’s activity – organize and weed out your magazines. You can scan or photograph particularly
interesting projects and give the mags to the auction table or a friend, put them in mags files and let go of all that weight, gaining space. Have fun with it.
Community Quilts: Lavella Cassinella reported giving away 383 quilts so far this year. On April 1 Valley of the Moon staff will be at the meeting to pick up the current gift of quilts. Please take home kits,
tops and quilts in all states for completion. Any size quilts are appreciated for donation as we have a varied group of recipients. She would like help pinning today so there will be more quilts to finish. She is also continuing to collect orphan blocks. She has added 4 C’s Childcare to our list and is giving them raffle quilt. They are still making wheel chair bags.
Lavella said Dolly gave her 2 doz. baby hats today and others are making tiny soxs as well. She read a lovely thank you from parents of twins.
To question of where children’s books might be donated it was suggested that schools will take them as well as CPI, a parenting program.
Block of the Month: Linda Ziemer and Barbara Cortelyu drew a name for the winner of the Chimney’s and Cornerstones blocks, Carol Lemonnier. The next block, Amish Star, for March. They are selling black fat
quarters for $1 for making these blocks.
Tri-Guild Luncheon: Rhonda Denny thanked all the volunteers. There are some people on the wait list so if you can’t go, please let her know.
Classes by speakers: Rhonda said there are small notices on the tables about future classes. Please sign up and come! They are an excellent bargain.
Opportunity Quilt: Tickets are selling but we are running out of time. Please pick yours up. She sits with the quilt every meeting to sell them.
Tri-Guild Luncheon: Linda Hooper said all is arranged. Helpers need to arrive at 9 am Sat. They still need salad dressing containers.
Sew A Row: Joanie Bellinghausen showed two tops that need another row. See her to take one on.
Library: Sharon Fry noted that the free shipping order is in. Please see her to collect your items. She did the lost and found and noted that the new roster of members has an additional list of members by first nan*
to assist in finding whoever you need. The on line version will be available, corrected, within the week.
Pointless Sisters: announced they are providing a workshop with Liz Berg for $130. Check with them for details.
Dianna Roberts announced she has been published along with Genie Beck and others in “The Secrets of Digital Quilting”, which is in the library. She had some patterns for use of “yoyos”.
Show and tell, the name tag drawing and 50/50 drawing followed and the meeting was adjourned at 11:50
Respectfully Submitted by
Judith Clarke, for Pam Beebe, Secretary

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